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Latin Grammar

Word Order

Gender & Number

Pronouns, adjectives, participles, and the numbers 1 to 3 have to agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to:
masculinehic est filius meushi sunt filii mei
femininehaec est filia meahae sunt filiae meae
neuterhoc est corpus meumhaec mea sunt


Nouns, pronouns, and adjectives change their endings according to their function in the sentence.

Nominative: the subject. rex ’the king'.

Vocative: being addressed. rex ‘o king’.

Accusative: the direct object. regem ’the king'.

Genitive: attributive relationship. regis ‘of the king’.

Dative: the recipient or beneficiary of an action. Usually the indirect object. regi ’to the king'.

Ablative: motion away from something. rege ‘with the king’.

Locative: location. Usually used with the name of cities and a limited number of nouns. domi ‘at home’.


Participles have 3, while the infinitive has 2.

Present: facio ‘I do’, ‘I am doing’

Future: faciam ‘I will do’, ‘I will be doing’

Imperfect: faciebam ‘I was doing’

Perfect: feci ‘I did’, ‘I have done’

Future Perfect: fecero ‘I will have done’

Pluperfect: feceram ‘I had done’